Saw Todd Fancey, John Collins, and Joe Seiders hanging out on the sidewalk in front of Ben’s after the #NewPornographers show at #930club tonight. Told them it was a great show, felt like a big old fan girl. It was cool. ;)
Saw Todd Fancey, John Collins, and Joe Seiders hanging out on the sidewalk in front of Ben’s after the #NewPornographers show at #930club tonight. Told them it was a great show, felt like a big old fan girl. It was cool. ;)
When Teresa hits the snare for the opening of “Going Against Your Mind” tonight, I am going to be in my very happy place. :) :) :)
(Anyone else going to #BuiltToSpill tonight at #930club?)
(Realized this is going to be my first show at 930 in 10 years…)