Today's bus left Kingston 5 minutes late, arrived NYC 14 minutes early. #congestionpricing
Today's bus left Kingston 5 minutes late, arrived NYC 14 minutes early. #congestionpricing
Despite Trump’s orders, congestion pricing will win in the long run
If NYC feels quieter now, that's because it is.
More good congestion pricing news:
Mentioning to the teachers during parent-teacher conferences that the kids spend 15 mins less time on the bus each day thanks to #CongestionPricing
This is one of those major, beneficial decisions that municipal leaders have to take and then demonstrate with their behaviours and how they actually live and that is why #ottawa will never do this until a mayor drags us kicking and screaming. Downtown is a drive thru for the mass of suburbia and they will not choose to change that, they will have to be shown and forced #onpoli #ontario #congestionpricing
The battle over Manhattan's #CongestionPricing is a case of classist driver feelings vs a billion dollars per month boost in economic activity when car volumes are regulated to preserve utility rather than endlessly subsidizing a free-for-all shitshow of exploitative waste and abuse. Basically a metaphor for the republican party.
Okay, so I wasn't misremembering their opposition to #CongestionPricing:
Gothamist: #nyc yellow cab trips up 19% in first month of #congestionpricing.
My eyes did not deceive me, as I previously posted that I seemed to be noticing far more occupied #taxis than usual.
The trumpf regime is just the most disgraceful weaponized ignorance on every facet. You have to be willfully incompetent to be working in #transportation in this century and not get how #congestionPricing works
Anecdotal and numeric evidence is also starting to emerge that #congestionpricing has caused significant reductions in car traffic *outside* #Manhattan, including in the #Bronx.
(The Bronx was frequently used by concern trolls suddenly worried that the poors might suffer from worse air pollution, based on an erroneous assumption that traffic would *increase* outside the congestion relief zone.)
Anecdotally, I can't recall ever seeing #pedestrian traffic in #manhattan as busy as it is today during any prior month of February.
I believed that the longer #congestionpricing remained in effect, the more data would support it. But it's increasingly looking like *all* data will support it, not some.
"The Trump administration has ordered New York City to end its #CongestionPricing program by 21 March.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), which is responsible for public transportation in the #NewYorkCity metropolitan area, and a New York bridge authority have filed suit to block the administration’s action."
"New Yorkers Rally in Times Square to tell Trump Congestion Pricing is Staying Put!" #CongestionPricing #NYC
The Money Speaks:
"New York’s #CongestionPricing plan raised $48.6 million in tolls during its first month, a strong start for the program that exceeded expectations and kept it on track to raise billions of dollars for the region’s decaying mass transit system."
710 #ClimateAction #NewYork #CongestionPricing #TrumpProtest
"New Yorkers Rally in Times Square to tell Trump Congestion Pricing is Staying Put!" [5:50 min]
by Streetfilms
Quote by Sf:
"Feb 23, 2025
On Saturday hundreds of angry New Yorkers came out to tell President Trump and his Transportation Secretary that Congestion Pricing is here and we cannot go back to the way before when the city was choked with traffic.
Since Congestion Pricing was implemented almost 2 months ago: the number of vehicles entering NYC has dropped, car commuting times in to the city are quicker, there are fewer automobile accidents, bus trip times have decreased, the number of people on mass transit has risen and the number of fatal crashes and injuries has nosedived.
And add to that that the city noise on the streets is more comfortable, Broadway tickets sales are up over 2024, the sense of safety and comfortability is noticeable, children are getting to school on time from their buses, crime is down in the subway and loads more great indicators.
Governor Kathy Hochul, MTA CEO Janno Liber, city elected officials and residents & advocacy groups are taking the Trump Administration to court as they believe the administration have no grounds to revoke the permission that gave to New York State to start the growing-more-popular program."
#TakeCareForLife #TakeCareForEarth
#StopBurningThings #StopEcoside #StopThePlunder
#ClimateBreakDown #StopRapingNature
If you post any comment in favor of #congestionpricing on any Zuck platform, you will immediately receive a dozen ad hominem attacks from restricted profiles. It's just like old Xitter!
Taken For A Ride:
This documentary covers the General Motors Streetcar Conspiracy. Automotive manufacturers, tire makers, and oil companies conspired to buy up and shut down public transportation in America.
#FuckCars #Oligarchy #Urbanism #TheWarOnCars #BanCars #EndFossilFuels #CongestionPricing
A sign that says “come and take it” being held by a congestion pricing supporter at Times Square
There is a silhouette of some traffic cameras! #CongestionPricing
Things have been so much better since they started congestion pricing and I can't help but think the attempts to break it are just... petty.
Anyways there is a rally @3 in NYC times square. Gotta get my wingtips on and catch the bus down there.
I wonder how many consumers of low-quality news are going to drive into #manhattan today because they heard #congestionpricing was cancelled... then get charged $9.