BMW aims to fill the EV sales gap left by Tesla, with hydrogen fuel cell EVs in the mix as well.

BMW aims to fill the EV sales gap left by Tesla, with hydrogen fuel cell EVs in the mix as well.
BMW aims to fill the EV sales gap left by Tesla, with hydrogen fuel cell EVs in the mix as well.
The weekly fix of #goodnews is in, this time (once more) with items on China’s surge in #cleantech, advances in #electrification of Africa, and more
Saving $$ with #cleanenergy
NY needs to replace a lot of #fossilgas lines b/c of age and wear.
Very expensive to do, raises gas bills.
May be cheaper to electrify neighborhoods, even including:
- all new heating and cooling
- weatherization of bldgs
Plus: no gas leaks & better air quality & health
Pressure to pass state law to facilitate this #electrification
#climatechange #climatehope #hvac #energytransition #ny #publichealth
Pleased to hear this week that someone I randomly talked to about the ability to exchange (polluting) gasoline yard tools with for electric took advantage of it! For a couple of chainsaws... #ThousandOaks #electrification #climate #environment
*Another* Battery tech that looks promising .
| A revolutionary water-based,
| rechargeable battery technology,
| developed from the ground up with
| sustainability at its core. Built with
| renewable and non-toxic materials,
| it offers high performance with a
| *lower carbon footprint*.
| Flint Paper Battery reduces the
| green premium and is fully
| *compostable* at the end of its lifecycle
Mouse / Pointer capture is not cute though.
@solar_chase Fixed export tariff makes little sense i the current world where wholesale electricity prices dip to negative any time it's really sunny.
The incentives needs to encourage self-consumpion and installing home batteries, neither which will happen on fixed export tariff. #renewables #electrification
What they took from us, part 451:
Trump administration tells states billions in EV charger money is on hold
New cold climate heat pump delivers AC in hot weather, too.
Next-gen hot water heat pumps are hitting the market in 5...4...3...2...
A very interesting article on flow-batteries, specifically #Vanadium redox flow battery technology, a product of Australian research (#UNSW ). Yay Aussie research !
The article neatly crushes all arguments which seek to support the prolongation (and indeed any further developement) of fossil fuel based power generation (and Nuclear, it goes without saying) on our way to ‘green’ our energy sector.
It is well worth a read as the info it imparts is a formidable tool to counter anti-renewables propaganda.
A GM electric Car that didn't spy on you (1996–1999):
"Since its demise and destruction, GM's decision to cancel the EV1 has generated dispute and controversy.[122][123]
Electric car enthusiasts, environmental interest groups, and former EV1 lessees have accused the company of self-sabotaging its electric car program to avoid potential losses in spare parts sales, while also blaming the oil industry for conspiring to keep electric cars off the road.[128][129]"
#vw #bmw #mercedes #prius #tesla #dermarktregelt #ErneuerbareEnergie #Klima #auto #car #mobility #emobilität
#marketforces #environment #green #energy
“I Tried the Tesla of Induction Stoves. It Could Be the Future.”
Unfortunate comparison with Tesla, however:
“the battery charges at various points throughout the day (or even as you are using the range, if necessary) and then stores that power to use when you are cooking. The stored power enables the [110v] range to operate with the same capacity as one that is connected to [240v].”
And the future arrives tomorrow.
City of Thousand Oaks:
Vouchers Still Available for Electric Lawn and Garden Equipment
"If you are ready to replace your older, noisy, gas-powered landscape equipment with electric models, you can still take advantage of the voucher offered by the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD).
Ventura County residents, commercial landscaping businesses, nonprofit organizations, public agencies, public schools, and school districts are eligible to apply for a voucher toward new electric lawn and garden equipment in exchange for surrendering their old, gas-powered models..."
A drop-in solution for the EV charging station bottleneck
Dutch government and salt producer Nobian conclude agreement to decarbonize its Dutch factories by 2030: heat pumps will replace gas for process heat, energy efficiency will reduce the electricity consumption of its chlorine production. Investment €645 million, subsidy €185M.
#co2 #electricity #electrification #industry
@janrosenow and if you go economy-wide you get such Sankey diagrams that show that you can transform your energy system, massively shift towards #electrification, reduce emissions, reduce wasted heat, all the while increasing energy services across the board to raise standards of living worldwide.
Source: #JRCGECO scenarios #energytransition
~ Lunch with mom at Turning Point. They make amazing oatmeal.
~ Looked at induction stoves — #electrification! — to replace my old one on which two of the elements are busted.
~ Caught up with a comms industry peer / friend over the phone — while power walking outside! — who gave me a few #editing leads.
We used to be leaders in EV new car sales!
Heres the Q3 2024 sales numbers for #EVs defined as #BEV or #PHEV
#BC 24.9%
#Quebec 34.6%
(#Ontario 9.5% a no incentive policy position)
Quebec has a$7K rebate ( added to the federal $5K). BCs incentive is income based and dissapears with a living wage household.
But Quebec’s rebate drops to $4K January 1st. Buy now!!
Also, both BC & QC have #ZEVmandates that attract EV inventory
#electricvehicles #newcarsales #evsnotindecline #electrification