Growing up I thought body horror was the exotic perversions of “Alien” and #Lovecraft, not the sad pedestrian “Brazil”-looking conformity of #MAGA #fascism
Growing up I thought body horror was the exotic perversions of “Alien” and #Lovecraft, not the sad pedestrian “Brazil”-looking conformity of #MAGA #fascism
The Magnus Archives: Miami
Tonight 9:00 pm ET
Això és el que passa quan no escoltes La Llibreria d'Arkham...
#ÀPunt #apunt #AtrapamSiPots #llibres #Lovecraft #LaCridaDeCthulu @apunt_media #ÀPuntMèdia #apuntmedia
To celebrate H.P. Lovecrafts Deathday (I think he would have wanted it that way), all donations I receive this week will be gifted to the leftist youth center here in Göttingen (I think he wouldn't have wanted it that way).
The Magnus Archives: Miami
Tonight 9:00 pm ET
Today, it's leather magnet time ! I think I have now around 10 different designs but my bestsellers are (as often) mushrooms and Cthulhu ! :)
I'm currently making a lot of them for my next events and e-shop update. Which one is your favorite ?
“The current strength of Scottish weird fiction has its roots in Lindsay’s surreal & stricken work … Lindsay ought to be considered alongside writers like Arthur Machen, William Hope Hodgson & HP Lovecraft as one of the great proponents of cosmic horror.”
Love that at least part of the #Cthulhu mythos exists because #Lovecraft thought #jazz was scary.
Throwback Thursday with FUZZ! This lives once more rent-free in my head, and I may get to put together another 'zine. #illustration #Cthulhu #Gibson #Explorer #Deathmetal #Metal #Fuzz #art #Fanzine #pointyguitars #Lovecraft #BLEURGH
Useless Facts, Badly Drawn #409: The Dark Forest Hypothesis.
#darkforesthypothesis #drakeequation #fermiparadox #thegreatfilter #aliens #firstcontact #seti #stfu #bequietortheywillhearyou #science #extraterrestrials #et #webcomic #comics #lovecraft #cosmichorror #existentialhorror #lovecraftianhorror #uselessfacts #uselessfactsbadlydrawn
A horror described is a horror lost...
@reading @bookstodon @bookbubble @humour
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#Horror #HP #Lovecraft
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New First Two Hours Review: Call of Cthulhu Investigating the mysterious Hawkins family deaths led to more questions than answers in this atmospheric detective horror game. Despite some NPC limitations, the engaging narrative and psychological horror elements make this a worthy addition to any horror fan's library. Currently 80% off on Steam!
#Gaming #VideoGames #Horror #Lovecraft #GameReview #IndieGames
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All right, it's a new episode of this #Lovecraft #podcast: The Outsider, which is gothier than when Gothathon came to Gothville. Check it below, or your favorite podcast app.
“As a result of the Great Depression, #Lovecraft shifted towards socialism, decrying…prior political beliefs and fascism. He thought #socialism was a workable middle ground between the destructive impulses of both the capitalists and the Marxists of his day. This was based in a general opposition to cultural upheaval, as well as support for an ordered society. Electorally, he supported Franklin D. Roosevelt, but he thought that the #NewDeal was not sufficiently #leftist.”
Happy Hanukkah from Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein! This season, we review DREIDEL OF DREAD: THE VERY CTHULHU HANUKKAH (2024) by Alex Shvartsman and Tomeu Riera.
"At the Mountains of Madness" / Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos
I Saw Mommy Kissing Yog-Sothoth
Freddie the Red-Brained Migo