Spouse and I are in bed watching TV
Spouse: Do you have any salt on your nightstand?
Me: <hands him salt shaker>
Spouse: <doesn't take salt shaker>
Spouse: I meant *popcorn* salt
Me: Seriously? Does my nightstand look like Batman's belt, able to produce whatever happens to be needed at any given moment?
Me: <puts regular salt shaker back on nightstand, hands him popcorn salt>
@kims I have so many questions, starting with how “popcorn salt” differs from regular table salt. Extra iodized, perhaps?
See elsewhere in the thread. It is explicit NOT iodized. It's also much more fine grain, proving good things come in small packages.
Humorously, for the first decade of our marriage, whenever I came home with some fancy sea salt, spouse would laugh and say, "NaCl is NaCl is NaCl"
Popcorn salt seems to have brought him around
Oh! Wait until you learn about "bacon salt" which is listed as simultaneously:
low sodium
@c0dec0dec0de @kims @20002ist Serving size: handful, shoved immediately into mouth