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Amy Maybe

Thoughts and prayers for Amy, who was forced to change her work password. 😑

@APBBlue write it down on a post it note. ;)

@APBBlue make sure to tell all of your colleagues, as a backup

@APBBlue tell your organization that the change password policy is seriously out of date

@APBBlue after synopsys bought my company in 2016 (a great deal for all), we were shocked by how out of date and utterly ineffective their IT was. CIO was a blowhard.

@APBBlue BitWarden is your friend.

Life changing.

@dbsalk We have LastPass, but I have to know my work password to get into it. I use 1Password at home.

@APBBlue remembering which number you added to the end is always a struggle.

@vmstan My office is also very strict about password history, which makes it even worse. If I had two I could switch between, it would be easier to remember.

@APBBlue This is why $GODDESS invented Post-Its.

@APBBlue so secure even you can't get in.

@APBBlue sometime soon, they’re going to change the minimum length of our passwords at work and I’m never going to be heard from again.

@samerfarha @APBBlue

For two weeks prior to a required password change, I used to receive a daily email message counting down the days until I would be forced to change. I set a rule so that those messages go straight to the trash. This year, they upped the number of characters and so I had to make my password one character longer. I wouldn't mind so much if frequent password changes hadn't been deprecated by security researchers 10 years ago.

@APBBlue My deepest condolences to changing your work password.

Always hated the work password change policy...

@APBBlue For the week after they make me change mine, I just pretend that my password contains a backspace on purpose.

@APBBlue Not that your company will care, but requiring periodic password changes is no longer recommended.

"Verifiers SHOULD NOT require memorized secrets to be changed arbitrarily (e.g., periodically)."

Frequent password changes are the enemy of security, FTC technologist says

pages.nist.govNIST Special Publication 800-63BNIST Special Publication 800-63B