is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A Mastodon instance populated by the denizens of #bikeDC, #bikeVA, #bikeMD, and various other friends and communities. Share opinions, news, photos of your bike, food takes, and memes. There may be some horsing around. In this house, we #bancars. All hail The Pit!

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@20002ist @complain Yeah - I wasn't limiting myself to pesky things like "titles."

My history, BTW:
* 1983 Dodge 400 (old family car; didn't even last me a year before a terrible 2-week period where the brakes failed, resulting in a minor fender bender (that cost me $800 plus the cost of the brakes), then the engine died on the way home from my grandfather's house after we replaced the brakes. Would've been $4k to rebuild the engine or $200 to scrap it, so we scrapped it.)