I used to use Twitter to live tweet advisory neighborhood commission meetings for #bikeDC, so I think I'm going to start that tonight here with the ANC transportation community meeting. Stay tuned at 7:00 p.m. Eastern
And we're getting started now with the DDOT curbside charging regulations, you can join yourself here: https://anc6a.org/community-calendar/
DDOT is hoping to use gas stations or open space lots at rec centers or libraries for charging station sites
The DC gov plan to roll out #EV charging stations until 2027 (glacially slow pace)
DOEE is working on a EV affordability plan....how about an #ebike affordability plan?
There's "part 2" to the EV funding as part of the Biden Infrastructure bill that will allow for more curbside charging
We can't enforce the current parking laws, but let's add some EV specific regulations to the mix
Now the good stuff: non-update on 1300 block of NC Ave bike lane install... @Will any updates
And the airing of grievance around Lincoln park double threat crosswalks, set backs aren't big enough and its an "crash waiting to happen"
In a twist, we now have the 100% plans for the 1300 NC Ave NE protected bike lanes! #bikeDC