@peter OR, when my wife “took” an early retirement package from GM, at her last Xmas party, her boss said, “We really didn’t know how much you did”.
My day went to the boss of United Insurance Co, Mr O T Hogan, and said he’d be leaving in a few weeks.
Mr Hogan asked why.
Dad said Corporate Regs say mandatory retirement at 65.
Mr Hogan changed corpora regulations.
Dad stayed on, head of TWO divisions and had to train TWO people to take over his job-2 years later.
@tleekeene @peter "We really didn't know how much you did" Is a common issue, and is a testimonial to the failure of "scientific" management. I think it was @mekkaokereke who suggested using Moneyball type statistics to see the over-under from an employee. How does the team perform when that person is around versus when they are not present? That tells you so much more than checking their keystroke rate or sales numbers