Rode the bus with Isaac to take him to daycare this morning. For the 2nd time this week, the fare box wasn’t working, so we were both technically scofflaws, evading fare and depriving #wmata of income.
I have seen that the Adam Tuss’ & Tom Sherwood’s of the world are still very focused on turnstile jumping for WMATA rail, helping that remain a big story on social media. Any outrage from them about bus stuff? Nah—wealthy white folks from MoCo & Fairfax don’t see that stuff, so it doesn’t exist.
@IMGoph haven't seen an update on this in a while, but new fareboxes coming to a bus near you
@gwhennigan fingers crossed this follows what the chart says. @bogrosemary saw one of the new fareboxes last week, but I haven’t yet.