Adames getting that goal and running over to the crowd to celebrate felt perfect for #NWSLAfterDark. #SEAvGFC #NWSL
I’ll be thinking of the Reign’s pre-season game as I watch this match. It’s so fun to see player personalities off the pitch
They should really allow Tyler Lussi to wear a special sleeveless jersey. #NWSL
Wow, Louisville are swarming on the attack. Very aggressive! #NWSL
This ref really ought to be throwing around more cards
I really want to see a good game tonight - #URFC were starting to pull it out in the latter part of last season, and if you watched the #SheBelievesCup you saw Tanaka, Sentnor, and McGlynn on good runs, so let's see that continue!
Starting lineup is out for the #URFC season opener and they are putting all their big cards on the table, this is gonna be good
That is at least 2 penalties that should have been given today.
Schedule update, #LOUvNC has been delayed until 8pm Eastern due to weather. It’s still on NWSL+ #NWSL #NWSLChaosSchedule
Damn! Fleming is tough AF.