There’s a Hidden History of US Support for Irish Republicans #socialism

There’s a Hidden History of US Support for Irish Republicans #socialism
Landlords Want Us to Think Rent Gouging Isn’t Price Gouging #socialism
When Belgian University Cleaners Swept Out Their Boss #socialism
@stefan Albert #Einstein was a great physicist, but he wasn't an economist. Maybe you should read Ludwig von Mises' books on why not #socialism. You can also read/listen to Murray Rothbard on the subject. The books are free. #mises #capitalism #propaganda #rothbard
Communism in theory vs in practice
How the Right Hijacked Antonio Gramsci #socialism
"To the Rural Poor" (1903) by Vladimir Lenin. Audiobook.
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anarchism
Greenland’s Election Wasn’t a Victory for Donald Trump #socialism
Trump’s Crypto-Invested AI Czar Cleared to Oversee Crypto #socialism
The Truth About Women’s Liberation in the USSR
Did the Soviet Union truly liberate women and live up to its revolutionary ideals? Watch this video to find out! In this video, we’ll discuss both the positives and negatives of the Soviet Union’s approach to liberating women and examine some important takeaways.
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anarchism
Also, "class-reductionism" is the only logical way to view society. Everything reduces to class relations. That doesn't mean we should ignore non-class problems, just that we should recognize that those problems stem from class conflicts.
You've got me wrong. I'm not against voting, only against voting for Democrats. Parliamentary efforts are a useful tool that working people can use to promote revolutionary change. Even the Bolsheviks did this in the Duma after the February Revolution, which, combined with their non-parliamentary efforts, led to a successful revolution against the capitalist provisional government. Workers in America should definitely vote for actual leftist parties.
Voting for Democrats leads to token gesturing, not real change or any potential for change. It maintains the capitalist status quo and prevents the working class from even thinking that it's necessary to change the system. Working outside of capitalist parties is the way to break this brainwashed mentality that infects working people.
Voting for the Democrats (one capitalist party) out of fear of the Republicans (another capitalist party) gaining power won't change anything because the problem is capitalism, not which capitalist party, both of which support the same flawed system, is in power. The only way to make any kind of systemic change is to work outside of capitalist parties.
If this is a request to "vote blue no matter who," then my answer is a resounding "NO!" Obsessively voting for Democrats doesn't eliminate any systemic problems. All it does is perpetuate capitalism and prevent the working class from being uplifted to make actual systemic change.
Georgian Mining Shutdown Leaves Workers Abandoned #socialism