Updated my profile to reflect my nine #COVID19 vaccinations. #CovidIsntOver
STUDY of hospitalized (HS) and non-hospitalized (NHS) #COVID19 survivors after two years:
“78% of HS and 62% of NHS reported at least one sequela symptom. Sequelae-symptoms, neurological outcomes, restrictive spirometry findings, and electrocardiogram abnormalities remained unchanged, although psychiatric sequelae, quality of life, and exercise capacity improved in both groups. Two or more vaccine doses decreased the risk of respiratory and psychiatric sequelae.”
Keep up to date on those #COVID19 vaccinations.
A STUDY of heart outcomes in cancer patients with COVID found that "COVID-19 vaccination was associated with a reduced risk of cardiac complications and cardiovascular events by 34% and 24%, respectively, after SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with cancer."
Laut einer aktuellen Studie gingen in den 18 angeschauten europäischen Ländern von 2020 bis 2022 durch die #COVID19 Pandemie insgesamt 17 Millionen Lebensjahre verloren.
In Ö waren es 350.000 Lebensjahre, in D 2.350.000.
Es könnte sein, dass nicht nur Menschen starben, die "sowieso nur mehr kurz zu leben hatten".
"Omicron is milder."
STUDY of people infected with Omicron #COVID19 finds:
The odds of long COVID increased with reinfections: 2.592x higher for one reinfection and 6.171x higher for two or more.
7.8% experienced long COVID within one year, with 5.1% having persistent symptoms.
People w/ persistent long COVID had lower muscle strength, worse exercise capacity, poorer HRQoL, significantly higher proportions of abnormal lung function and lung imaging abnormalities.
so, Island Health has apparently been trying to contact us for urgent tests, but Gmail is flagging emails from them as Spam and Suspicious - go figure that tech is against public health
Never heard of paravirus 'parainfluenza' - but that is what we have, and they want more from us.... and a good friend who is an infectious disease NP is like WTAF!!!
Today is international #LongCovid Awareness Day
Check this canadian interview with a Mount Sinai (NY) chronic disease specialist. Up to one in five people with COVID-19 develop LONG COVID, meaning three months after having the disease they still do not recover their full abilities.
The specialist affirms that each reinfection, even moderate, of COVID-19 subtracts between 2-6% of IQ.
LONG COVID is a disease that causes systemic damage, especially to the immune system, causing T-cell exhaustion and triggering latent diseases or exposing the body to new pathogens from which it would have been able to defend itself before. Worth a listen:
#CovidLong #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
#ImmuneSystem #ImmuneDysfunction
#autoimmune #TCell
Wife is entering week 4, I'm in week 3 of an 'unknown' virus that truly feels like a combination of noro and Covid. Reduced lung function, no appetite, incredible fatigue
She was tested for everything at ER with no conclusion. Now friends reporting they have this and are cancelling Spring Break trips.
Stay masked, stay safe - public health is asleep
Thanks everyone who boosted my #FarUVC workshop on here!!!
Workshop was so rad I'm so grateful for the spaces like this that we create for learning together!
I will be presenting again next month, probably on a weeknight, for those who couldn't make it today.
You can sign up for updates and give time/day preferences here: http://skillshares.fan-club.cc/
Apologies for confusion with my barebones flyer also! I am in the eastern time zone and my workshops are usually virtual. If I do them irl they'll probably be in/around Massachusetts
***I am also open to presenting to yr group/org/etc - I have an additional workshop on safe(r) shows and events that I've presented 4(ish?) times I addition to this far-uvc workshop.
This is all free, low key, interactive.
Let's keep expanding our knowledge and gathering together more safely!
#CovidSaferEvents #COVID19 #MutualAid #CleanTheAir #Fan-Club #MaskBlocs
I had to unfollow an account that I used to trust for #COVID19 info. It said the current level of COVID in wastewater is “unprecedented.”
COVID is bad enough without inflating risks. No one will listen to us when COVID risks are high if we say silly things like this when COVID is actually low (in aggregate) in the US.
I get it. COVID risks never disappear, but the accounts addicted to spreading fear rather than knowledge need to be rejected, IMO.
People thinking COVID-19 is harmless now should have a listen to the podcast from Quirks and Quarks
EEeeek wear a mask.
Ensitrelvir Prevents #COVID19 Infection as Post Exposure Prophylaxis
> Japan-based Shionogi presented results for its investigational antiviral, ensitrelvir, that demonstrated a 67% reduction in the risk of developing COVID-19 in uninfected individuals treated after exposure, compared to a placebo at day 10
This week, #Barbados’s Prime Minister Mia Mottley gave a fiery address to parliament, calling the US stance “unfair and unjustified”.
“We could not get through the pandemic without the Cuban nurses and the Cuban doctors,” she said.
Trinidad and Tobago’s prime minister, Keith Rowley, warned that US interference in #Caribbean healthcare decisions was unacceptable.
Caribbean leaders have hit back at a threat issued by the United States government to cancel visas for anyone working with or supporting Cuban medical facilities, citing allegations of forced labour and claiming these missions “enrich the Cuban regime”.
Cuban medical missions, which provide doctors, nurses and other medical staff as well as medical facilities, are critical to healthcare systems in the Caribbean.
Here's the latest variant picture for Canada. Samples have not been shared from Ontario since mid-February, leading to the typical chaotic picture when sample volumes are low.
There’s been a dramatic recent rise in the JN.1.* + FLiRT lineages, possibly rising to dominance.
Iba a seguir compartiendo la serie sobre el #covid19 en #PuertoRico de El Vocero pero ya hoy desempacaron el maletín de ideología.
Mencionaron el rezago de estudiantes por el lockdown. Como si el cierre arbitrario de escuelas antes de eso no hubiese afectado nada.
También mencionaron El Nacional de la Salsa y no el hecho de que desde Febrero el Dr. Cabanillas llevaba abogando que uno de sus pacientes lo tenía sin haber viajado. Articulo del 2020: