2025-March-14 Friday
701 Americans Died Last Week From COVID 19
1,223,304 Americans Dead From COVID 19 In Total
Study suggests that three vaccine doses cut risk of Long Covid by over 60%.
#COVID #LongCovid
Savez-vous si des études ont fait un lien entre infections au #covid (perso j'en ai eu 6) et dérèglements de la #tsh ou de la thyroïde (apparus 4 ans après mon premier covid, à la "fin" du #CovidLong) ?
Bring Back the #COVID Welfare State
International Long COVID Awareness Day was March 15th.
From the patient-led research collaborative fact sheet:
At least 400 million people globally have Long COVID, and this number is likely a significant undercount. In the US, about 1 in 19 people have Long COVID–the same rate as diabetes. But only 7% of doctors say they’re confident diagnosing Long COVID, and a majority of Long COVID patients report having negative experiences as they attempt to get care.
5 ans après le début du 1e confinement mis en place pour lutter contre la propagation de la #Covid 19, l’équipe de data.gouv.fr vous propose de revenir sur l’ouverture des données liées à l’épidémie et le rôle de l’ #opendata dans la gestion de la crise sanitaire : https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/posts/cinq-ans-apres-retour-sur-louverture-des-donnees-relatives-a-lepidemie-de-covid-19/
"Some of Covid’s effects became apparent soon after the virus began spreading. We quickly understood how deadly an infection could be, especially for those with underlying conditions like diabetes and heart disease. But it has taken years of research to start making sense of how a bout of Covid can lead to lasting, sometimes invisible changes in different parts of the body.
Some of these effects, such as chronic fatigue and brain fog, are considered long Covid, defined as symptoms from an infection that persist for at least three months. By some estimates, 400 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with some form of long Covid. But an infection can also lead to other issues, including lung and heart damage and microbiome changes in the gut, that may not always be recognized as long Covid but can still have a lasting effect on our health."
For anyone looking for a better mask that allows you to smile at people. These are clear ones.
I saw someone at the physical therapy office with this mask on. Glad I asked them about it.
Five years later the pandemic has not ended. Deaths occur less often but still too high. Both Trump & Biden have ignored the science, denied the extent or the problem, and have turned Covid into a mass disabling event.
#COVID #LongCovid https://newrepublic.com/article/192738/pandemic-never-ended
Five years of Long Covid
NBC News
US News and World Report:
Rolling Stone:
From the latest Science for ME weekly update
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 @novid@chirp.social #novid @novid@a.gup.pe #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19
#Australia should stop arrivals or put in #quarantine anyone from or travelling through the #US due to #Trump government lack of medical response to #contagious #diseases.
#Covid #RubyPrincess #CruiseShip #disaster waiting to happen all over again #auspol #RFK
I wonder if people see the same distinctions that I see between the use of the word "immunity" in the legal sense as compared to the medical and public health senses. ...
Continued at [https://listed.to/@Scmasm/60364/in-which-i-opine-about-immunity]
Dr. David Putrino: ”There's no such thing as a Covid infection without consequence."
An interview with Dr. Putrino as part of a longer program. This part starts at 19:30, or you can just scroll down to this segment of the show.
Gee, it's a mystery! If you're an idiot.
As tuberculosis cases rise in the US and worldwide, health officials puzzle over the resurgence of a disease once in decline
"Covid Protocol" goes like this:
Sick person isolated in room, block door with towel, only come through rest of house with #N95 briefly. Tray table outside door for food drop off. Disinfect everything.
#paxlovid ASAP for sick, lower #covid damage.
Heater off, open windows, box fans in windows to make positive pressure in main house, negative pressure in sick room, dumping sick air out bedroom window.
Constant air flow.
Yes, we fucking freeze.
All-clear when RAT clear, and nobody sick.