It’s another #COVID anniversary, which means various people are sincerely asking whether “we” are “prepared” for the “next” pandemic.
(You’re not really dealing with the existing pandemic, so I’m going to say no.) #COVIDIsNotOver
It’s another #COVID anniversary, which means various people are sincerely asking whether “we” are “prepared” for the “next” pandemic.
(You’re not really dealing with the existing pandemic, so I’m going to say no.) #COVIDIsNotOver
The 5-year cover-up: How Trump’s racist strategy got buried by the media
Today is Long Covid awareness day. An example of the lack of awareness: Last month one of my Long Covid patients died in the hospital. CT scan reported ground glass opacities in the lungs characteristic of Covid but it was ignored. None of the clinical notes made mention of this.
#COVID #LongCovid
This is the view from my bed, where I’ve been spending more time than I ever thought I would.
I got #Covid in May 2023, and then again in December 2023 (that time, from being the only masked person in a doctor’s waiting room). I had had all the shots and boosters, and took an antiviral each time I was infected. I’ve tried medication and supplements for my tachycardia, brain fog, extreme fatigue, and neuropathy.
I still have long Covid.
Wenn Bundespräsident #Steinmeier über die nötige “Aufarbeitung” der #Corona-#Pandemie spricht, klingt das so, als wollte er noch den letzten Querdenker besänftigen. Wann und wie wird eigentlich wieder der #Covid-Toten gedacht (letzte Gedenkfeier war bei 80.000 Toten 2021, jetzt sind es mehr als doppelt so viele), wie werden deren Angehörige, Menschen mit #LongCovid “abgeholt”? Wie wird gewürdigt, dass Zehntausende Menschen nur wegen Pflegekräften, Hygienemaßnahmen, Impfungen noch am Leben sind?
On this Long COVID Awareness Day, my thoughts go out to the millions who have been directly affected, or care for someone who has.
Hope you all have someone to lean on in these particularly difficult times, something that still brings you joy.
Hang in there, we're all in this together!
What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You:
1 in 8 #COVID Survivors Still Have Symptoms 2 Years After Infection
#N95 - simple, easy
March 15 is #LongCovidAwarenessDay
Everything you don't want to know about #COVID:
COVID is #airborne.
It's not "mild."
Infection damage is cumulative.
It makes you more susceptible to other infections and diseases.
There is no cure for #longCOVID.
The #pandemic is not over.
Wearing a #mask reduces transmission.
Second time #CDC has reported estimates for more than two regions at a time since October.
To be clear, national data used for chart above are modeled on regional data collection.
LP.8.1 now estimated at majority in Great Lakes, nearing majority in NY/NJ and Mid-Atlantic.
XEC (incl. XEC.4) still around a quarter share in all three regions.
[For color key, see:]
❖ #ThisIsOurPolio #Covid #Covid19 #SARS2 #variants #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BetterMasks
A FLuQE wavelet opened September, cresting as KP.3.1.1 / MC wave into November. FDA's second-guess vaccine target, KP.2, dropped out in December. Updated #CDC estimates indicate we've been in a JN.1.11 soup pretty much since then.
No new variants broken out by CDC, as KP.1.1.3 / LP descendant LP.8.1 approaches majority.
No recent GISAID data—as Raj's dashboard hasn't updated in near a month.
❖ #ThisIsOurPolio #Covid #Covid19 #SARS2 #variants #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #dataviz #datavis
The mRNA technology behind coronavirus vaccines is now being used to create bespoke vaccines for cancer patients.
"Cancer vaccines weren’t a proper field of research before the pandemic. There was nothing. Apart from one exception, pretty much every clinical trial had failed. With the pandemic, however, we proved that mRNA vaccines were possible.
mRNA cancer vaccines work by giving the body instructions to make a harmless piece of a cancer-related protein. This trains the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells carrying that protein. Think of it like a training manual for security guards. The vaccine gives the immune system a guide on what cancer looks like, so it knows exactly who to watch for and remove.
Going from mRNA Covid vaccines to mRNA cancer vaccines is straightforward: same fridges, same protocol, same drug, just a different patient.
In the current trials, we do a biopsy of the patient, sequence the tissue, send it to the pharmaceutical company, and they design a personalized vaccine that’s bespoke to that patient’s cancer. That vaccine is not suitable for anyone else. It’s like science fiction.
The UK was ready. We had fridges and we had world-class manufacturing and research facilities. During the pandemic, we had proven we could open and deliver clinical trials fast. Also, the UK had established a genomic global lead with Genomics England and the 100,000 Genome Project. All doctors and nurses in this country are trained in genomics.
So the UK government signed two partnerships: one with BioNTech to provide 10,000 patients with access to personalized cancer treatments by 2030, and a 10-year investment with Moderna in an innovation and technology center with capacity to produce up to 250 million vaccines. The stars were aligned.
For many years, we believed that research is inherently slow. It used to take 20 years to get a drug to market. Most cancer patients, unfortunately, will succumb by the time a drug gets to market. We showed the world that it could be done in a year if you modernize your process, run parts of the process in parallel, and use digital tools.
We have a trial to stop skin cancer coming back after you cut it out. It’s now completed. We over-recruited again, just like every single one of the trials that we ran, and the trial finished one year ahead of schedule. That’s completely unheard of in cancer trials because they normally run over-long.
What will happen now is that, over the next six to 12 months, we will monitor the people in the trial and work out if there’s a difference between the people who took the cancer vaccine and the ones who didn’t. We’re hoping to have results by the end of the year or beginning of 2026. If it’s successful, we will have invented the first approved personalized mRNA vaccine, within only five years of the first licensed mRNA vaccine for Covid. That’s pretty impressive."
- Dr. Lennard Lee, UK National Health Service oncologist and medical director at the Ellison Institute of Technology in Oxford
Great overview of the many ills of current worldwide COVID minimization. How denial of airborne COVID transmission broke the world. #covid #pandemic
"Chronic lung disease, high blood pressure, weakened immune system, chronic fatigue syndrome or #fibromyalgia (aOR = 2.20), & arthritis were associated with a higher odds of more severe Covid19 infection"
#MEcfs @mecfs @covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 #novid #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19
Eine Ökonomie des Krieges
Ein spannender Text aus Italien aus dem Jahr 2024 zur Polykrise und wie bestimmte Entwicklungen seit der Corona-Pandemie in die Militarisierung von Staaten und Transformationen zur Kriegswirtschaft übergegangen sind.
'Kasernenausdrücke wie „Wir sind an der Front“ oder „Hommage an die Kriegshelden“ wurden endlos wiederholt, ebenso wie die Wiederkehr veralteter patriotischer Rhetorik und Nationalhymnen auf Balkonen, die angesichts der prekären Gesundheitssituation ebenfalls nur von kurzer Dauer waren. Die menschenleeren Strassen erweckten den Eindruck einer Ausgangssperre, die bis zu einem gewissen Grad die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über die Entwicklung der Pandemie und die möglichen Lösungen zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung verdunkelte. Diese Massnahmen wurden in einen Rahmen gestellt, der an die Simulation einer Kriegssituation erinnerte.
How about some promising Covid-vaccine-related news? It's all early on, but it's still nice to see — and maybe buried amidst all the other news.
Nasal COVID-19 vaccine based on WashU technology to enter U.S. clinical trials
Newly Discovered Antibody Protects Against All COVID-19 Variants
(Of course, who knows what will happen with any vaccine work and/or availability given this administration.)
The anniversary of my Dad's death from #covid cardiac arrest is coming up again in June. If anyone wants to support me & my family with our remembrance of my Dad & also help support us in long battle for justice from unmasked #SaanichPolice - please add me on your Signal - phoenixserenity.54
I'd like to compile a bunch of audio messages & any kind of artwork for this year's ceremony of beloved remembrance for my Dad. He died after getting infected by unmasked staff in local hospital. Unmasked cops, including the lead cop, Jason Whittaker - who is president of the SPD union abused us. I also want to compile something to let Saanich PD know - I am not fucking letting this go.
Please record:
Fuck you, Jason Whittaker & add whatever you want to rest of audio recording.
Please create Fuck You, Jason Whittaker or similar messages to #Saanich Police & tell them what you think of their antimasking egotistical loser of a 'leader' they chose to represent them.
"The act of forgetting has always been a tool of oppression. We cannot adequately resist that which has been revised, erased, or forgotten by our community members. But few will acknowledge that this is happening with COVID. Just as one may utter that “slavery was back then, get over it”, when we use verbiage like “post-pandemic” we are rendering oppression as a static past event rather than an ever-evolving present that shapes our shared future. This tactic has always been useful to those who wish to profit off of our suffering and the cycle will continue to repeat if we do not acknowledge and act on the truth of our current reality. If we do not reckon with our failures to each other around COVID and do the work to remedy it, are we better than those who try to ban our people’s histories’ from the schools? We aid in the crusade to forget every day when we do not consider the pandemic as both current and deadly."
~V. Copeland