I missed #Caturday, so here's a make-up shot. In this house, these steep steps above the storage area are now referred to as The Cat Bleachers. They provide a great view to the kitchen, the hallway where the evil dogs pass through, and are immediately above the area where the cat treats are stored.
Skittles would like to remind you that no matter who you are, whenever you are, you are sitting in his chair.
"Do What The Cat Does"
It's Sunday - chill time on the couch!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Caturday
Catherine, Lady Darlington and her consort Nibbler make with the cute every day. #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfInfoSec #Nibbler #clingasaur #TheLadyCatherine #TheLadyCatherineAndNibbler #CatherineLadyDarlington #LadyCatherineOfDarlington #Caturday
The King simply enjoying the end of his #Caturday
@intransitivelie she brightens the entire fediverse! And every day is #caturday
In an extremely late #Caturday entry we have Ivy, who is concerned that quarterly profits are down in Eurasia.
I'm kidding. She's concerned that you might be having a bad day, so she's here to brighten it with her presence.
#cat #cats #CatsOfMastodon #Fedicats #Mastocats
CW: cat eye-contact