Be honest: do you know the difference between Pasturized and Homogenized?
I grew up on a small dairy farm. I buy my milk from a very small local farm, and I know the difference. I buy milk that is Pasturized but not homogenized. But I’m learning many folks don’t know the difference. Do You?
Brits Being ‘Systematically Misled’ About Meat, Dairy, And Eggs, Study Finds
CNN spills some truth over how tariffs actually work for dairy between Canada and USA.
TLDR: The effective tariff rate for 99% of the stuff, is zero.
Gotta love Daniel Dale, a Canadian, working for CNN all these years. This is truly the moment for his fact checking to shine!
#TrumpTariffs #TradeWar #Dairy #SupplyManagement #CanPoli #CdnPoli
This is huge.
And very bad news for big dairy buyers like Nestlé, MARS and Danone which all have Zero Deforestation policies.
Fonterra’s palm kernel supply link to illegal palm operations bad news for Nestlé
#H5N1 strikes more poultry in 4 states; #CDC updates details on recent human cases
Lisa Schnirring, February 24, 2025
"In new H5N1 avian flu confirmations today, the US Department of Agriculture (#USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (#APHIS) reported that the virus hit more flocks in four states, including another massive layer farm in Ohio, the nation’s second biggest poultry producer.
"Over the past several weeks, Ohio has been one of main outbreak epicenters, with one of the latest events involving a commercial farm in #DarkeCounty that has more than 3 million birds, according to APHIS. The virus also struck another layer farm in Ohio’s #MercerCounty, a facility that has nearly 85,000 birds.
"Elsewhere, the virus struck two more commercial farms in #Indiana, another hard-hit state. The latest outbreaks occurred at a turkey farm in Washington County and a commercial duck-breeding facility in Elkhart County. The virus was also confirmed in #backyard birds in two states, a location in #Florida’s #BrowardCounty and a location in #NewYork’s Delaware County.
"Over the last 30 days alone, ongoing H5N1 outbreaks have led to the loss of nearly 19 million birds.
"In #dairy herd developments, over the last few days, APHIS confirmed one more detection, which involves another herd from #Nevada. The state now has eight affected herds. Since the virus first emerged in dairy cattle about a year ago, detections have been reported in 973 herds across 17 states."
Read more:
#HPAINews #HPAI #BirdFlu #H5N1 #AvianInfluenza
Greenhouse gas from livestock digestion in Equatorial Climates
Along the Equator, it mainly is sheep and bovines that account for methane emissions.
The biggest producers are Ethiopia and Sudan (South Sudan included).
Reference: #GreenHouseForcing
#Cattle husbandry emits #greenhouse gas.
For example:
* South America and the Indian subcontinent breed most bovines who emit most methane.
* China and the Middle East produce too much livestock methane in regard to their bovine headcounts.
Emissions of #methane from livestock digestion per world region:
Not all #ultraprocessed food (UPF) is linked to adverse #health outcomes, e.g. #plantbased meat & #dairy alternatives can be more beneficial than their animal-based counterparts and help lowering the dietary animal to plant #protein ratio. The concept of #UPFs paints with too broad a brush, is insufficiently nuanced to guide food purchasing decisions, and may distract #consumers from focusing on the importance of nutrient content: #NOVA #nutrition #diets #milk #meat
"Reassortment occurs when a person or animal is infected with more than one influenza virus, allowing the two to mingle and exchange “hardware,” potentially creating a new, more virulent strain."
The #CDC report is the latest evidence that the outbreak in #dairy herds is spreading undetected in #cows, & the spillover into people at highest risk of exposure is going unnoticed.
…A slimmed-down #MMWR resumed publication last week but included NONE of the #BirdFlu reports. #PublicHealth experts have criticized the unprecedented break in publication & the holdup of bird flu information.
We attended a Raid Response Training this past week - to act as observers of immigration raids and document actions of ICE that might help the case for migrants. Though the organizers hoped for 150 volunteers to register, 1,800 signed up. One of those who attended had driven 3 hours from rural SW MN: A dairy farmer, he wanted to know how to protect his workers....
Let's consider activities that force the Greenhouse Effect, thus @climate change.
#Livestock digestion emits too much #methane:
• People farm too many bovines in India, Pakistan, Brazil, United States, China;
• People farm too many goats in India, Pakistan, China, Nigeria;
• People farm too many pigs in China and the United States.
It's probably about time to stop buying milk in the US.
Made mozzarella #cheese with leftover 2L of milk from #LaCantara dairy. Look at them, kneaded and shaped
Then look at the mess!!!!! #food #dairy
Some activities are forcing climate change
CH4 emissions from livestock digestion:
* Pakistan doubles emissions between 2005 and 2024.
* Pakistan and Brazil each emit 3,000 Gg/year more in 2023 than in 2005.
"Young people may not yet hold the reins of this ancient trade, but they’re driven by the untapped potential of cheese rather than convention—what cheese can become, not what it’s always been."
Mehr Singh for Taste:
CH4 emissions from livestock digestion:
* Pakistan doubles emissions between 2005 and 2024.
* Pakistan and Brazil each emit 3,000 Gg/year more in 2023 than in 2005.